
Anime similar to dead space
Anime similar to dead space

Released back in 2008, Dead Space was arguably the poster-child for this sea change, as it placed a heavy emphasis on combat and gave you minimal downtime to explore. In the wake of Resident Evil 4, the horror genre started to embrace a more actionized feel and that meant that there was far less time for things like reading or standing around listening to voice recordings. Though they might seem ubiquitous today, there was a point in the late noughties when collectable documents had fallen somewhat out of fashion. In this latest installment, we’ll be putting Motive Studio’s superb remake of Dead Spaceunder the microscope.

anime similar to dead space anime similar to dead space

Here, we shine a spotlight on the most creative examples of in-game journals, audio logs, bestiaries, video clips and so on, with a view to exploring what they add to the overall experience.

anime similar to dead space

Indeed, it is because these files are so versatile that we’ve dedicated a regular feature to them at Bloody Disgusting, in the form of this Dread Notes series. For years, resourceful developers have been using them to establish their worlds, tease upcoming threats, aid players in solving puzzles, and to tell self-contained stories. Since the genre’s inception, collectable documents have been a staple element of survival horror, found in everything from Silent Hill to Outlast.

Anime similar to dead space